The Fool's Dog 应用

Chrysalis Tarot 2.0.5
The Fool's Dog
Chrysalis Tarot dives deeply into the watersof our collective unconscious, and brings up pearls of wisdom forour contemplation. Populated by a tapestry of familiar charactersdrawn from many mythologies, these guardians gently revealsynchronicity’s hand guiding your Tarot spreads, your life, andultimately, your destiny.In the world of Chrysalis Tarot, The Empress and The Emperor areGaia and The Green Man. Medieval and Celtic beings dance elegantlywith characters from ancient Greek, Hindu, and Egyptianmythologies, and from Haitian Voudon. These archetypal beings comefrom all races and from many different times, brought togetherwithin the all-embracing diversity of Chrysalis Tarot.Chrysalis strikes a happy medium between conforming with thevenerable RWS system, and re-visioning Tarot for today. MajorArcana cards are re-imagined, and the pips are unlike any you’veseen before. The court cards are a charming troupe of medievalmessengers. But Chrysalis is also similar enough to RWS style decksthat it is easy to learn.Holly Sierra’s sumptuous art and Toney Brooks’ wit and wisdommake this deck really shine.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer*Sophisticated journal*13 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form*Allow reversed cards or not*Option to use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Optional voice prompts*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsChrysalis Tarot’s Gaian consciousness and universal spiritualitywill win your heart.
Gaian Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Enter a world of nature spirituality, deeply rooted in reverencefor our planet.
Tarot Sampler IV 1.0.9
The Fool's Dog
The Fool’s Dog proudly presents the mostrecent blossoms from our carefully cultivated garden of Tarot. Hereyou will find a bouquet of Tarot flowers selected from our ten mostrecent decks, refreshment for the spirit in the form of wise wordsand sacred images. Each card includes the full, unedited cardmeaning from its book.This dazzling distillation of Tarot is a fully functioning TarotSampler, showcasing our elegant and intuitive software. TheSamplers share every feature of The Fool’s Dog apps. You can readTarot cards, journal your readings, and share on social media.Understanding your readings is a breeze: just tap on the card tosee the meaning. Or, you can use the Tarot Sampler to browse TheFool’s Dog Tarot offerings, and see which decks inspire you!*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer*Sophisticated journal*18 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form*Allow reversed cards or not*Option to use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Optional voice prompts*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsA dazzling array of cards from ten different decks designed toamuse and inspire you!
Buckland Romani Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
The magic of the Romani people comes alive in this beautiful RWSstyle deck.
Zombie Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Here's a guide to surviving the Zombie apocalypse while findingenlightenment!
Paulina Tarot 1.4.4
The Fool's Dog
Discover a whimsical realm of faeries, wiseanimals and sacred plants, winged lions and horses within ThePaulina Tarot! See all the delicate colors and enchanting detailscome radiantly to life. Inspired by the RWS imagery, PaulinaCassidy's artwork celebrates a mystical faery Mardi Gras from theVictorian era, a unique world evoking spiritual insight andproviding deep understanding.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts
*78 gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images
in thisdeck*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer*Sophisticated journal
*12 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form
*Allow reversed cards or not
*Option to use Major Arcana only
*Zoom in to enlarge card details
*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut
*Optional voice prompts
*Rooted in traditional divination, this pack illuminates the oracleof the tarot!*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths
*Many adjustable settingsRun away to a fantastical faerieland with The Paulina Tarot!
Joie de Vivre Tarot 1.4.4
The Fool's Dog
Joie de Vivre Tarot takes place in a wondrousrealm of fantastical characters reminiscent of Dr. Seuss and Alicein Wonderland. Joie de Vivre means Joy of Life in French. ThisTarot is both whimsical and wise, and has a charming zest for life.Paulina Cassidy has endowed each character in Joie de VivreTarot with a witty and appropriate persona. Thus we find Vitality,the winged merlion, as The World, and Benevolence donating toHopeful in the Six of Pentacles. The King of Wands is named Dynamo,and Bliss is the Six of Cups, with her merbunny friends, Charityand Innocence.While Joie de Vivre is a good deck for beginners, the deck’sintricate art and succinct wisdom offer lasting insight to the mostdiscerning Tarot readers. Here you will find a joyous exuberancethat will inspire you for years to come.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images*Full support for phones and tablets*Sophisticated journal*13 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form*Allow reversed cards or not*Option to use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Optional voice prompts*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsIncrease the joy in your life today, with Joie de VivreTarot!
Tarot Sampler II 1.0.9
The Fool's Dog
The Fool’s Dog proudly presents a dazzlingTarot Sampler, a tapestry of Tarot composed of cards from tendifferent decks. Each card includes the full, unedited card meaningfrom its book. Here you will find gems from our treasure house ofelectronic Tarot, the best of ten decks showcased by our intuitive,elegant Tarot software.The Tarot Sampler shares every feature of The Fool’s Dog apps.You can read Tarot cards, journal your readings, and share onsocial media. Understanding your readings is a breeze: just tap onthe card to see the meaning. Or, you can use Tarot Sampler II tobrowse The Fool’s Dog Tarot offerings, and see which decks rockyour world!*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts
*78 Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images
in thispack*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer*Cards from ten decks in The Fool’s Dog family of apps*Sophisticated journal
*19 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form
*Allow reversed cards or not
*Option to use Major Arcana only
*Zoom in to enlarge card details
*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut
*Optional voice prompts
*This tarot deck, rooted in traditional divination, brought to theEnglish speaking world by Rider Waite & Smith (RWS), lets yousample some of the wonderful decks we offer*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsAccess your inner mystic with The Fool’s Dog Tarot Sampler. TheFool’s Dog: Tarot optimized for the 21st century!
Fellowship of the Fool Tarot 1.4.4
The Fool's Dog
The Fellowship of the Fool takes us into amulticultural world of pirates and witches, fairies and unicorns.In The Fellowship, the world is alive with possibilities, and magicis afoot. Here you will find portraits of people from RenaissanceFairs and Faerie Festivals enacting the familiar RWS roles. HelenaDomenic’s engaging watercolors and her accomplished guidebookinvite you to dance to the drum and sing under the stars as youvisit The Fellowship of the Fool.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts*Gorgeous nearly full screen, high-resolution card images*Supports all Android devices, including phones and tablets*Includes a complete book on Tarot*Sophisticated Journal*Multiple spread options built in*Design your own spread with Free Form*Many adjustable settings*Allow reversed cards or not*Can use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share readings via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Voice prompts help beginners learn, and can be disabled*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*A modern oracle rooted in traditional divination, The Fellowshipof The Fool pack will enchant you!Explore an enchanting mystical realm, with The Fellowship of theFool!
Tarot of the Holy Light 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
The Holy Light shines with deep occult wisdom expressed inpsychedelic collage.
Counterculture Tarot 1.0.10
The Fool's Dog
The Counterculture Tarot is a trove of insightand wisdom about the tumultuous 1960s. Here you will find aprofound view of the 1960s seen through the lens of Tarot. EachTarot image is a candid photograph shot by the author during theera.William Cook Haigwood was a journalist and photographer in thatera. He has matured into a seasoned sage, a wise philosopher whotakes us on a magical and mysterious tour of the messy, intense,fertile, and deeply influential counterculture movement.With Timothy Leary as The Magician, The Counterculture Tarotdelves into the social ferment in the 60s: the hippies, the VietnamWar protests, the student uprisings, emerging feminism, and thepolitical, drug, and festival scenes. All of the urgent demands forsocial justice, peace and freedom in their passion, commitment andintensity are here.Many images foreshadow future events, like the Seven of Swords,featuring a photograph of not-yet-President Reagan chatting withthe mother of not-yet-kidnapped Patty Hearst, or even foreshadowwhole social movements that continue today.The Counterculture Tarot is not only for Tarot enthusiasts,although it is a brilliant achievement in the philosophy of Tarot.The Counterculture Tarot is for anyone interested in the 1960s andtheir enduring influence today.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images*Full support for all devices, including phones and tablets*App includes more than one third of William Cook Haigwood’s 600+page magnum opus, "Journeying The Sixties: A CountercultureTarot"*Sophisticated journal*12 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form*Allow reversed cards or not*Option to use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Optional voice prompts*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsThe 1960s are long over, but the legacy of the Counterculturelives on!
Urban Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
The Metropolis is Muse, revealing the soul of New York City in TheUrban Tarot!
Crystal Visions Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
A sweet fantasy deck with both depth and power, this Tarot willenchant you.
Sacred Isle Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Familiar RWS scenes take on new drama, with luscious colors anddynamic poses.
Bonefire Tarot 1.4.4
The Fool's Dog
Here’s a deck on fire! The Bonefire Tarot is aspicy post-modern conflagration! Glowing with vivid colors, blazingwith witty pop culture references, burning with mystic symbolspillaged from world cultures, Bonefire shines with a profoundly21st century light.Here, each Wand has become a Thyrsus, a pine cone wand carriedby the Maenads and Satyrs of Dionysus symbolizing prosperity andpleasure. Pentacles have become Coins. The deck’s scenes andsymbols are easy to read for those familiar with the Rider WaiteSmith Tarot. For people new to Tarot, Bonefire may be easier toread than a traditional deck, with its current-day visualmetaphors. Bonefire’s art recalls the classic era of tattoos.Relying on the artistic strength of the images, the Bonefire Tarotcomes with very succinct written material designed to spark thereader’s intuition.Voted one of the Ten Best Decks of 2013 by the Aeclectic TarotForum.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images by GabrielleAngus-West*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer*Sophisticated journal*12 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form*Allow reversed cards or not*Option to use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Optional voice prompts*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsThe Bonefire Tarot: Plundering Space and Time for Truth andMeaning!
Rosetta Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Inspired by Thoth, this deck weaves alchemy, astrology and Kabbalahinto Tarot.
Tarot Sampler III 1.0.9
The Fool's Dog
The Fool’s Dog here presents a distillation ofcards from ten of our recent decks. We proudly offer you a feastfor the eyes and mind, a dazzling fusion of cards arranged into amosaic Tarot. Each card includes the full, unedited card meaningfrom its book. Here you will find a taste of ten Tarots from TheFool’s Dog, a unique composite deck arranged to showcase ourintuitive, elegant software.The Tarot Sampler shares every feature of The Fool’s Dog apps.You can read Tarot cards, journal your readings, and share onsocial media. Understanding your readings is a breeze: just tap onthe card to see the meaning. Or, you can use the Tarot Sampler tobrowse The Fool’s Dog Tarot offerings, and see which decksenlighten your heart!*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts
*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images
*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer
*Cards from ten decks in The Fool’s Dog family of apps*Sophisticated journal
*20 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form
*Allow reversed cards or not
*Option to use Major Arcana only
*Zoom in to enlarge card details
*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut
*Optional voice prompts
*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsAccess your inner mystic with The Fool’s Dog Tarot Sampler III.The Fool’s Dog: Tarot optimized for the 21st century!
Liber T Tarot of Stars Eternal 2.0.6
The Fool's Dog
Liber T: Tarot of Stars Eternal is a 21stcentury tribute to Aleister Crowley’s sublime Thoth Tarot. TheMajor Arcana cards resemble Lady Frieda Harris’ art, rendered in asofter, less geometrical style. The Minor Arcana takes the Thothmaterial to a new level, evoking shock and awe. The fullyillustrated pips integrate esoteric symbolism and arcane teachingsabout the Egyptian astrological decans into the designs. Far frombeing a clone of Thoth, Liber T: Tarot of Stars Eternal is adescendant. The Major cards are an homage to the strength ofThoth’s lineage. The Minor Arcana adds new inspiration to Thoth,evolving the work of Crowley and Harris in a unique directionsuitable for a new aeon.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners andexperts*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer*Sophisticated journal*Includes introduction and brief card meanings*18 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form*Allow reversed cards or not*Option to use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Optional voice prompts*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settings*Card meanings available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, andGermanDance among the eternal stars with Liber T!
Ciro's Tarot Royale 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Tarot Royale is Ciro Marchetti’s most resplendent artisticmasterpiece!
Wizards Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
A self-contained course in practical magic awaits you within TheWizards Tarot.
Robin Wood Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Artistic finesse and rich esoteric metaphor distinguish thismuch-loved classic.
Ciro's Tarot of Dreams 2.0.2
The Fool's Dog
Ciro Marchetti’s Tarot of Dreams transportsusto a dreamscape where mist and shadow combine into radiantforms.Archetypes and symbols metamorphose into visionary images,gentlyinspiring intuition, subtly revealing mystical truths. TarotofDreams is the work of a confident master, a deck comprisedofCiro’s most personal Tarot visions. Rich with planetary,elemental,and Kabbalistic symbolism, readers familiar with the RWSsystemwill find Tarot of Dreams easy to interpret. Lusciouscolors,subtle yet powerful imagery, and breathtaking art: Tarot ofDreamsis a delight and an inspiration.This beloved deck comes to The Fool’s Dog accompanied bycardmeanings written by Ciro Marchetti.*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginnersandexperts*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images*Full support for all Android devices running 4.0.3 or newer*Sophisticated journal*18 spreads built in*Design your own layout with Free Form*Allow reversed cards or not*Option to use Major Arcana only*Zoom in to enlarge card details*Share reading via email*Animated shuffle & cut*Optional voice prompts*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths*Many adjustable settingsSeed your visions with Ciro’s incandescent images in TarotofDreams!
Shadowscapes Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Enter a fantastical realm of singing dryads and mythical beastsdancing on air!
DruidCraft Tarot 2.0.5
The Fool's Dog
Images of bards and druids of old evoke the Earth Mysteries andDivine Nature.
Ghosts & Spirits Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Spirits from legend and lore will enlighten, amuse, and sometimesscare you.
Housewives Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
According to gossip, here are the esoteric secrets for suburbandomestic bliss.
The Fairy Tale Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Each card is an entire tale, revealing a world of enchantment andenlightenment.
Victorian Fairy Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
The pursuits and pastimes of the Victorian Fairies will charm andamuse you!
Tarot! 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
A restoration of Pamela Colman Smith's beloved art in the originalvivid colors.
Mythic Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Classic tales of ancient Greek Gods and Heroes convey the Tarotarchetypes.
Vision Quest Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Deepen your knowledge of Native American spirituality with VisionQuest Tarot.
Beginner's Guide to Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Much more than an intro, this deck provides lasting insight andillumination.
Enchanted Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Gorgeous tapestries and street-smart wisdom guide you toenlightenment.
Lenormand! 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Discover why Tarot readers everywhere are branching out intoLenomand!
Ciro's Fin de Siècle Kipper 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Explore the Kippergeist, the spirit of Kipper, with Ciro’s Fin deSiecle Kipper!
Animal Totem Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Animals will teach the deepest parts of your heart & soul inAnimal Totem Tarot!
Scrying Ink Lenormand 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
A refreshing Lenormand deck & guidebook designed to please 21stcentury readers!
Tarot of Trees 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Eloquent trees embody the Tarot archetypes in this bright andwhimsical deck.
Fairy Tale Lenormand 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Enjoy timeless tales teaching important life lessons throughLenormand!
Legacy of the Divine Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Explore a fantastical realm of splendor & beauty in Legacy ofthe Divine Tarot!
Night Sun Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Dynamic & intensely magical scenes from a mystic realm ofshadow & illumination!
Sacred Geometry Visionary Path 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Art, science, and spirituality join together to reveal Nature'sdivine harmony.
Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Explore Tarot's darkest mysteries under the big top of Tarot of theZirkus Mägi.
Epic Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Take a Hero’s Journey in a fantastical realm on a quest for hopeand redemption!
MAAT Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Arcane wisdom expressed in sublime art influenced by globalcultures & history.
Revelations Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Dynamic, witty double images give readers the ultimate solution toreversals!
The Celtic Dragon Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Bask in Dragon Fire! This classic deck remains the best Tarot forDragon Lovers!
The Byzantine Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
The Byzantine Tarot unveils a thousand years of grandeur,spirituality and magic
Animals Divine Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Deities and spirits in animal form give readers fresh newperspectives on Tarot!
Anna.K Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
A psychologically and emotionally rich deck, perfect for openingthe intuition.